Grape Origin: California
Grape Type: White Riesling
A semi-sweet peach wine that has a sumptuous fruit flavor and a smooth peachy body. SWEET.
G-FORCE - “G” is short for the gravitational forces our brave pilots endure while flying the greatest planes modern technology can produce. For most people, the peak G-force they’ve experienced is probably on a rollercoaster during a loop which is about 3-4G’s. It’s enough to push your head down and pin your arms by your side. Modern fighters like the F-16 and F-35 pull 9G’s, which translates to over 2,000 pounds on the pilot’s body. Movies like Top Gun show the characters easily moving around the cockpit while chatting on the radio during a dogfight. In reality, during a sharp turn under peak G, they are spending the majority of their efforts pancaked into their seat trying not to pass out.